Water & Compliance

UConn owns and maintains a water supply and distribution system that provides potable water and fire protection to on-campus buildings, serving  approximately 28,000 undergraduate and graduate students as well as faculty and staff members throughout the year.  UConn contracts with the Connecticut Water Company (CWC) to operate the system. CWC is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the water system and to maintain proper water quality to meet state and federal standards.  The system includes two well fields (Willimantic Wellfield and Fenton Wellfield), pump stations, storage tanks/facilities,  24-miles of distribution mains and 6-miles of transmission mains.

To plan for the anticipated long-term water supply needs of UConn and nearby area of Mansfield, the University and CWC partnered to install an interconnection.  The interconnection has been complete since 2016 and actively flows quality drinking water from the CWC system.

Current Report


As part of the Safe Drinking Water Act, please find the consumer confidence report below:

2023 Water Quality Report.pdf

Lead Notice

Consumer Notice of Lead Tap Water Results:

2023: UConn Lead Notice 2023.pdf

Contact Us

Interim Associate Vice President, Facilities Operations
Stanley L. Nolan
(860) 486-3208
Associate Director Energy and Water Compliance
Katie Milardo
(860) 486-8745