Water Resource Recovery Facility

The University of Connecticut owns and operates a collection and treatment system for domestic wastewater that is generated on campus and a portion of the surrounding community.  The wastewater discharge is regulated by the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under a NPDES permit for treating 3.0 million gallons per day of wastewater.  The wastewater collection system at UConn dates back to the 1940s and collects sanitary flows from main campus, depot campus, and portions of the Town of Mansfield.  There are about 27-miles of gravity sewer, 11 pump stations on the main campus, 2 pump station at the depot campus and various small ejector stations throughout the University.  The UConn WRRF facility is located on 5.5-acres on Ledoyt Road (northwest of corner of campus).  The effluent discharge from the facility is divided between the Reclaimed Water Facility and an outfall located 3-miles from campus that discharges to the Willimantic River.

As part of the wastewater treatment, the UConn WRRF also oversees the CT DEEP Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) program for all Food Service Establishments that require a Health Department Class 3 or 4 food service license to operate.  This program requires a registration and approval from the UConn WRRF.

The UConn FOG application form : UConn FOG Application

2007 UConn Sewer Rules and Regulations


WPCF Aerial Image

Contact Us

Interim Associate Vice President, Facilities Operations
Stanley L. Nolan
(860) 486-3208

Associate Director Energy and Water Conservation
Katie Milardo
(860) 486-8745

Rian Savage
(860) 486-7106

Assistant Superintendent
Megan Ambrose
(860) 486-7106

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